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All-girls robotics team based in southern Ontario.


Who are the amazon warriors?

Introducing our Robotics Team #6875, created in 2018, an all girl (and LGBTQ+) welcoming team in Southwestern Ontario. We are a group of girls from around the community who wanted to be a part of the FIRST® Robotics program.  Along with our supporting FRC team, and a couple of mentors, we have formed the Amazon Warriors. 


Our goal is to achieve a team which displays gender equality with other teams.  We are looking forward to building a team that is sustainable for all members who join, for many years to come. 



Our Achievements



Waterloo Competition- Won Rookie Inspiration Award

Windsor Competition- Selected for Alliance by 772, undefeated in playoffs, winning Alliance member,

won Rookie Inspiration Award

Provincials- Selected for Alliance by 2056, winning in our division and provincials all together,

won Highest Rookie seed award. 

Worlds- Ranked 13 in our division and won Highest Rookie Seed (in our division).



Waterloo Competition- Won Judges' Award



Waterloo Competition - Selected for first place alliance by 4678 and 3683

Windsor Competition- Won Gracious Professionalism award

We achieved enough points to make it to Provincials


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